Le sport préserve la santé
Holistic Trainning
The list of health benefits of sport is as long :better functioning of the heart and blood activity, increase in muscle mass, decrease in fat mass, maintenance of joints and bones, decrease in stress, decrease in the risk of cancer, improvement of sleep...
One of the aspects of Holistic training is to give importance to being physically fit as a whole. Not just training your body to move and transform but also to program it to do healthy habits and knowing what’s good and what’s not for your body.
In addition, finding the right program for your body is the utmost goal of holistic training. You don’t just go out there and exercise, you have to ensure that you’re practicing tailored fit exercises that will work best for you.
"To keep the body in good health is a duty otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."
Type Of Sport
There are several types of Sport, here are some of them
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